4 Easy Steps To End Procrastination

1 min readDec 10, 2020


Just Do That Shit

Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

Stop waiting to have all your ducks in a row. Waiting for the perfect moment. Waiting for a sign, it’s all rubbish.

Stop procrastinating and Do That Shit! That's my mantra!

1. Be honest, specific and clear about your goals. This will help to establish realistic, measurable and manageable steps.

2. Be self-disciplined, consistent, and accountable. Discipline will ALWAYS trump motivation. Motivation is fickle.

3. Create a roadmap around your barriers. You know your shortcomings. Get active and honest to better navigate through your bullshit.

4. Let go of FEAR. Allow yourself no exceptions or excuses.

*Do That Shit! Meaning: 1. Make the decision to walk by and lead with love. To Leave fear in your rearview: 2. To lose inhibitions.

When you decide to lead with love you and simply, Do That Shit! You have chosen to live freely. You have accepted that you are the master of your abilities. You acknowledge that you are in control.

(Black Coffee is a Detroit-based writer, and mother of two. She works with the city of Detroit Department of Workforce Development to train, upskill and advocate for hard to hire populations.)

